Be a FACTER for Good

There is much good to be done these days, and we need to be a FACTER for good. FACTER is an acronym I coined to describe a way to do good together. Before I elaborate on FACTER, allow me to say something regarding the nature of needs and the types of good one can do. […]

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Simplicity ( /sɪmˈplɪsəti/)

Simplicity in a Flower

UPDATE: I will be giving a webinar on this topic on 30 Apr 9am to 10am as part of a panel series on Leading Through Crisis hosted by DM360. Donations are welcome and all donations received will be channeled to helping the migrant workers in Singapore. For registration, please go to here. The Call to […]

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Public Service

Public Service Plug - Bear with it!

Public Service can be easily misconstrued, both by the public servant and the public. Essentially, public service is service to the public. It can be enacted in secret, or on a pedestal – it all depends on what the situation demands. It acts regardless of whether there will be plaudits or persecution from the public. […]

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The Pride of Public Service

“Having served in Bhutan, I came back because of aging parents, and also to serve my own country. And as part of rediscovering my own country, I have signed up to be a facilitator with you.” With that remark, I introduced myself to my assigned group of public service participants.  Over 2 separate days, I […]

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Change is a Community of Sandboxes

Change through Sandboxing

Change for Large Organizations is Painful How does one change a large organization, especially when such organizations are typically hierarchical, generally tribal, and often disparately autonomous amongst its component parts? Such organizations are loose collections of smaller affiliations with only marginal loyalties to a perceived central set of core ideals, values and leadership. In large […]

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Of Fasting, Feasting, Ants and Laments


Feasting and fasting in Japan. We did the former, but not the latter. I tried to fast, had the thought, but simply could not. The food was too enticing. The justifications too overwhelming. It was family time. It was an unmissable time. Eventually, I ran out of time.  I am capable of the best self-serving […]

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