Where change is concerned, leaders play many roles. One important role is that of noticing shifts in the landscape and deciding how to respond to these shifts. It is easier said than done. Not everyone notice shifts in the landscape. Just take the public transport and you will see many people too glued to their […]
Change is a Community of Sandboxes
Change for Large Organizations is Painful How does one change a large organization, especially when such organizations are typically hierarchical, generally tribal, and often disparately autonomous amongst its component parts? Such organizations are loose collections of smaller affiliations with only marginal loyalties to a perceived central set of core ideals, values and leadership. In large […]
What Does It Mean To Be Alumni?
The Spirit of RIGSS Alumni Any alumni of RIGSS are expected to lead change through self development and to nudge others to change through their own spheres of influence. Alumni of RIGSS are given the permission to hold each other accountable to the personal developmental goals they have set for themselves. They are also expected […]
Transition Into Meaningful Tent-Making
Transitions: A Common Experience not Commonly Talked About I don’t think we pay enough attention to what goes on when someone is in transition. For example, in the past month since relocating back to Singapore, a common question I am asked is, “So have you settled in yet?” Sometimes, I am tempted to say “Yes” just […]
On Change
Change Happens Because Life Needs to Happen Change happens around and to us all the time. People say change is the only constant. I say change must necessarily occur, for it indicates that life is happening. For example, by this time tomorrow, we will be (hopefully) on a plane together with 19 accompanying luggages for […]