Change is a Community of Sandboxes

Change through Sandboxing

Change for Large Organizations is Painful How does one change a large organization, especially when such organizations are typically hierarchical, generally tribal, and often disparately autonomous amongst its component parts? Such organizations are loose collections of smaller affiliations with only marginal loyalties to a perceived central set of core ideals, values and leadership. In large […]

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Effective Change Using a Sandbox


Many people have been sharing with me that it is hard to maintain a habit of reflection and journaling. (I had previously written about the habit I maintain in the morning. For some, it seems that the spirit is willing but the body is weak. Tragically, some of us may actually be trying too hard […]

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Sandboxing in Bhutan

Sandboxing: How has Bhutan done it? The concept of sandboxing is visible in several Royal Projects I have been involved with while in Bhutan. These Royal Projects may or may not have been initiated with sandboxing in mind, but they certainly demonstrated the principles and potential that can be realised with the sandboxing approach. Project […]

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